Entries by Bob O' Fee


Lesson 2 – I Peter Chapter 1:3-6

Last week we talked about being part of God’s elect or chosen ones according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, which is the deep, deep subject of predestination. We also talked about the sanctification of the Spirit, obeying Jesus Christ and being sprinkled with His blood. All very heady truths of Scripture. I Peter […]


Lesson 1 – I Peter Chapter 1:1-2

Sometimes when we come across Peter’s name in the Bible, we might have a little smile on our face. I think it’s because most of us can relate to Peter in a very human way, in that we all make mistakes in life just as Peter did. I’ve heard it said that Peter had the […]


Lesson 18 – Ephesians Chapter 6:13-17

As we continue in the book of Ephesians, Paul is instructing us in how we fight the spiritual battles of life. Before we talk about how we are to dress for battle, I just want to recap a little about the enemy forces we are facing. We know that just living in this world, we […]


Lesson 17 – Ephesians Chapter 6:8-12

As we started out in chapter 6 of Ephesians, Paul instructs children by telling them that their godly duty is to obey and respect their parents. Now this might not be too hard for the children who have believers as parents, but we should pray for those kids who have parents that do not belong […]


Lesson 16 – Ephesians Chapter 6:1-7

We closed out chapter 5 with some great godly advice on how to nourish and maintain a healthy marriage, that wives are to submit to their husbands as to the Lord. As a wife does this, she becomes the ultimate encourager for her husband, as well as a support system with a godly foundation. This […]


Lesson 15 – Ephesians Chapter 5:22-33

Last week we talked about what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit. My prayer for you is that each day your desire is to walk with God, being Spirit-filled. We also talked about being able to always give thanks to God, even when we walk through the valley of the shadow of […]


Lesson 14 – Ephesians Chapter 5:19-21

I left you hanging last time on the subject of being filled with the Holy Spirit. We had the contrast within Ephesians 5:18, where Paul basically tells us, don’t get drunk on wine to handle life’s problems (like the world does), but live a life filled with the Holy Spirit. As we begin to examine […]


Lesson 13 – Ephesians Chapter 5:14-18

I ended last week by saying if we do our part as believers by imitating God, we will have all our “bases covered,” as they say. It would go without saying, if we imitate God and have the “mind of Christ,” we will most assuredly be loving those around us. As we’re living this way, […]


Lesson 12 – Ephesians Chapter 5:1-14a

Synopsis of Chapter 4 – Unity, Gifts, Maturity, you learned Christ, do not grieve the Holy Spirit. Eph. 5:1 “Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.” Again, we see Paul using the word “therefore.” Why is he using it? This time he’s referring back to the last verse in chapter 4, where we are […]