Entries by Bob O' Fee


Lesson 11 – Ephesians Chapter 4:25-32

So far, in chapter 4 we covered a lot of ground. The way I see it, in the first part of this chapter, Paul has been pulling us together as a church. He said the church itself has many parts, which points to all of us, meaning that each individual belongs to the church and […]


Lesson 10 – Ephesians Chapter 4:17-24

Looking back at last week, we know that Jesus left His throne in heaven to come down to our sin-soaked earth (Jesus descended to the earth), and He suffered and died at the hands of sinful man. While His body laid in the grave for three days, Jesus went to the good part of Hades […]


Lesson 9 – Ephesians Chapter 4:9-16

It’s been about 3 weeks since we’ve been in our study of Ephesians chapter 4, so let’s do a brief recap. • Don’t ever take your calling by God for granted, know that you were bought with a very high price. The believer’s life should match the excellency of Christ’s calling. In other words, this […]


Lesson 8 – Ephesians Chapter 4:1-8

As we closed out chapter 3, we learned how important it is that Jesus would be at home in our hearts, and that if He’s not at home with us, it might be an indication of some kind of unconfessed sin. We also talked about being rooted and grounded, which speaks of how we’re doing […]


Lesson 7 – Ephesians Chapter 3:17-21

Last week we talked about being good stewards with the grace that God has given us. Paul was a good steward and continually preached everything that God had given him, regardless of any suffering that came from it. God used Paul to bring Jews and Gentiles together through the blood of Jesus Christ. This was […]


Lesson 6 – Ephesians Chapter 3:1-16

Looking back at chapter 2, we see that there are some doctrinal things to observe. First is the answer as to how a person is saved. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (vs. 8 […]


Lesson 5 – Ephesians Chapter 2:11-22

A recap of verses 1-10: Paul reminded us that we were all lost at one time, we were part of the world system and we belonged to satan. Then Jesus made us alive! God did this for us out of His love, grace, and mercy. This gave us our heavenly position with Him. “For by […]


Lesson 4 – Ephesians Chapter 2:1-10

Looking back over chapter 1, we discover numerous doctrines of faith. These, of course, are my own opinion, but I feel they warrant another look. DOCTRINES OF OUR FAITH FOUND IN CHAPTER 1 All spiritual blessings are given to us from God. (vs. 3) We were chosen from eternity past (vs. 4). With this comes […]


Lesson 3 – Ephesians Chapter 1:18-23

Last week we talked about the fact that we are predestined by God unto salvation, we were on God’s mind before He created anything. With that, we obtained an inheritance from God that is coming, whether we are raptured or if we die and pass on to the other side. As evidence of this wonderful […]


Lesson 2 – Ephesians Chapter 1:11-17

In the first ten verses we learned: • Paul was God’s chosen instrument to bring us the good news. • All spiritual blessings are given to us from God. • We were chosen by God from eternity past. • We are God’s adopted children. • We are saved by God’s own blood. • God gave […]