Lesson 35 – Romans Chapter 16:1-27

Paul was a champion of God, spreading His Word, and reaching out to the world with the gospel message directing it to the Gentiles. In all of his missionary journeys, Paul met and made many friends. And here in chapter 16 we’ll see a lot of…

Lesson 34 – Romans Chapter 15:19-33

In the first part of Romans 15 we were instructed by Paul to be alert in our Christian walk, by looking around to see if there is someone in need, someone who is eager to grow in Christ, then come alongside them and help them in their walk.…

Lesson 33 – Romans Chapter 15:1-18

To recap chapter 14 briefly, Paul revealed to us the problem of questionable things that can happen to Christians, and what to do when sincere Christians disagree about personal practices. It’s just a fact that within the church we have mature…

Lesson 32 – Romans Chapter 14:12-23

In verses 1 thru 11 we covered “The Law of Liberty,” or we could say, the freedom we have as believers. What we should be doing as believers is not parade our freedoms in front of others, but instead show Christ’s love to one another by…

Lesson 31 – Romans Chapter 14:1-11

In chapter 13 we learned that we are to obey the government regardless of how corrupt and perverted it might be, that is unless the government is forcing us to sin. Also, we must pay our taxes. The model citizen of society ought to be a Christian…

Lesson 30 – Romans Chapter 13:11-14

In the first half of chapter 13 we were instructed to obey government (because we’re really obeying God in the process), pay our taxes (to keep government running), and continue to be God’s ambassadors of love by reaching out to those around…

Lesson 29 – Romans Chapter 13:1-10

As we leave chapter 12, we can’t help but reflect on all the pearls of wisdom Paul brought to us through the Holy Spirit. If we put into practice verses 1 and 2 daily, we can be sure that God will lead us into obeying the commands in the rest…

Lesson 28 – Romans Chapter 12:13-21

In our previous verses in chapter 12 we talked about being part of the body of Christ and that we are all given different gifts to serve within the church and expand the Kingdom of God. We also covered love, hope, patience, hating evil, clinging…

Lesson 27 – Romans Chapter 12:4-12

The last time we met, we were talking about being a living sacrifice unto the Lord, and that as Christians, we are to live differently when compared to the ways of the world. By God transforming the minds of willing Christians, we are then reminded…

Lesson 26 – Romans Chapter 12:1-3

We are now switching gears from chapters 9 thru 11 where we heard from Paul about the plight of the Jews in regards to their salvation. Now we will enter into the final section of Romans, which will have to do with our service to God as Christians.…