Lesson 10 – James Chapter 5:10-20

In the first part of chapter 5 we looked at the plight of the wicked rich and how they should “Weep and groan with anguish because of all the terrible troubles ahead of them.” They would indeed weep and cry out if they knew the judgment…

Lesson 9 – James Chapter 5:1-9

Reflecting back on what James taught in chapter 4, we need to humble ourselves before the Lord, resist the devil, use Scripture to fight our battles, we’re not to judge others in a condemning way, obey the law of love, and remember that life…

Lesson 8 – James Chapter 4:7b-17

Chapter 4 has been about us getting close to God. We must realize there are things that can get in the way of this happening for us. The big obstacles that war against us are the very influence of the world around us, our own fleshly desires,…

Lesson 7 – James Chapter 4:1-7a

In chapter 3 we covered two important issues within our Christian walk, taming the tongue and seeking out godly wisdom. Both of these are necessary for us to pursue a holy lifestyle, and yes, living in holiness is possible for us, in fact God…

Lesson 6 – James Chapter 3:13-18

We learned in the first half of chapter 3 that James has a concern about how Christians speak. Remember in the earlier chapters James pointed out that if we claim to be Christians and have faith, it will become obvious to others by the things…

Christmas Message 2022

As tradition has it in the United States, Christmas is a time of gift giving, giving gifts to our family and friends, to people we love, and perhaps even to people we don’t know. Giving brings out the true meaning of Christmas, because…