Lesson 22 – Romans Chapter 9:25 – 10:10

We left off last time seeing the full weight of God’s sovereignty in the beginning of chapter 9. You can always question God, but if you do, do it with admiration and respect. God has a plan and purpose for the whole world, and nothing will…

Lesson 21 – Romans Chapter 9:1-24

We’ve had an interesting journey so far with Paul in chapters 1-8, where Paul has laid down for us the principles of salvation. Now Paul is going to shift gears a little by addressing how God is dealing with Israel, God’s chosen people.…

Lesson 20 – Romans Chapter 8:30-39

In our previous verses we were shown by Paul that our hope is in our Lord, and everything He says in His Word will come to pass for us. “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called…

Lesson 19 – Romans Chapter 8:24-29

The last time we met we talked about the fact that we’re “born-again,” that we are indeed, children of God. As children of the God of this universe, we are also joint heirs with our Lord Jesus Christ. All that belongs to Jesus, we will…

Lesson 18 – Romans Chapter 8:14-23

We started this chapter with a declaration and an announcement. All believers in Jesus Christ will not face any kind of punishment in their eternal state… this should give us cause to celebrate. Our journey in Romans 8 is giving us insights…

Lesson 17 – Romans Chapter 8:1-13

Dr. Donald Barnhouse said “that whenever a believer’s bible accidently falls on the floor, it should automatically open to Romans 8. In chapter 7 we learned about the law vs. sin. An understandable comment might be, “If the law makes…