
Lesson 3 – 2 Peter Chapter 1:8-15

In verses 5 through 7 in 2 Peter chapter 1, Peter gave us seven characteristics for the Christian to aspire to. Just as a review they are: moral excellence or virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance or patience, godliness, brotherly love,…

Lesson 2 – 2 Peter Chapter 1:4-7

So far in 2 Peter, we’ve been reminded that we are bond-servants of God… slaves of God. We know that we share the very same faith as the apostles had. When God sees us, He sees us through the lens of Christ’s righteousness and not our…

Lesson 1 – 2 Peter Chapter 1:1-3

As we leave the book of First Peter and enter his second letter, we should take a brief look back to First Peter to remember the jewels of wisdom with which we were blessed. Peter’s letter reached far and wide, and his audience was Jews,…

Easter 2024 – The Resurrection of Christ

We’re at the time of year when Christians around the world focus on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is something the world around us does its best to undermine any observance of Jesus Christ whatsoever. Thus the invention…

Lesson 19 – I Peter Chapter 5:6-14

As Peter opens up chapter 5, he has instructed the leaders in the church to make sure that they take very good care of the flock that God has entrusted to them. We can also take the application of this even further by being involved in the caring…

Lesson 18 – I Peter Chapter 5:1-5

I Peter 5:1 “Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed,” Peter is again starting out by saying “therefore,” referring…