
Lesson 6 – I Peter Chapter 2:1-5

I Peter 2:1 “Therefore, putting aside all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, Peter begins chapter 2 by saying “therefore” which causes us to reflect on what he was just talking about in chapter 1. Peter taught…

Lesson 5 – I Peter Chapter 1:18-25

We saw last week a command for us to be holy, it wasn’t a suggestion, but a specific command to us from God’s Word. So, it is important for us to be able to personally define what being holy is for ourselves. To be holy is to be morally…

Lesson 4 – I Peter Chapter 1:12-18

We ended last week discussing how the prophets were curious and very interested in the prophesies they spoke of. They weren’t sure what it all meant. They knew the Messiah was going to come because God made that promise, but they just didn’t…

Lesson 3 – I Peter Chapter 1:7-11

So far in the first six verses of First Peter we’ve seen that God has chosen us to be adopted into His family, delivered us to His sanctification process, refined us into Christlikeness, and called us to obedience through the shed blood of…

Lesson 2 – I Peter Chapter 1:3-6

Last week we talked about being part of God’s elect or chosen ones according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, which is the deep, deep subject of predestination. We also talked about the sanctification of the Spirit, obeying Jesus Christ…

Lesson 1 – I Peter Chapter 1:1-2

Sometimes when we come across Peter’s name in the Bible, we might have a little smile on our face. I think it’s because most of us can relate to Peter in a very human way, in that we all make mistakes in life just as Peter did. I’ve heard…