
Lesson 13 – Ephesians Chapter 5:14-18

I ended last week by saying if we do our part as believers by imitating God, we will have all our “bases covered,” as they say. It would go without saying, if we imitate God and have the “mind of Christ,” we will most assuredly be loving…

Lesson 12 – Ephesians Chapter 5:1-14a

Synopsis of Chapter 4 – Unity, Gifts, Maturity, you learned Christ, do not grieve the Holy Spirit. Eph. 5:1 “Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.” Again, we see Paul using the word “therefore.” Why is he using it?…

Lesson 11 – Ephesians Chapter 4:25-32

So far, in chapter 4 we covered a lot of ground. The way I see it, in the first part of this chapter, Paul has been pulling us together as a church. He said the church itself has many parts, which points to all of us, meaning that each individual…

Lesson 10 – Ephesians Chapter 4:17-24

Looking back at last week, we know that Jesus left His throne in heaven to come down to our sin-soaked earth (Jesus descended to the earth), and He suffered and died at the hands of sinful man. While His body laid in the grave for three days,…

Lesson 9 – Ephesians Chapter 4:9-16

It’s been about 3 weeks since we’ve been in our study of Ephesians chapter 4, so let’s do a brief recap. • Don’t ever take your calling by God for granted, know that you were bought with a very high price. The believer’s life…

Lesson 8 – Ephesians Chapter 4:1-8

As we closed out chapter 3, we learned how important it is that Jesus would be at home in our hearts, and that if He’s not at home with us, it might be an indication of some kind of unconfessed sin. We also talked about being rooted and…